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Greetings Everyone!
Can’t believe we’re already 21 days into the new year; I hope you all are starting off with a prosperous 2019! Though this year I didn’t set any resolutions, I do have a several things on my list I intend to do, and one thing was starting a monthly newsletter - so here’s the first of twelve which I plan to send out on the 21st of every month!
Captured by @supersportlo
Many of you may have observed that I treat my instagram like a digital journal - meaning I use the platform to share all of the happenings of my life in close to real time lol. However I do realize that everyone isn’t active on Instagram (especially with these crazy algorithms) which also means I can’t expect for you to know what’s going on with me if I don’t communicate with you directly. Not quite sure of exactly what this newsletter will consist of but I figured since I just recently inherited a box of vintage film cameras, a good start will be me sharing some of the images I capture along the way. Since I’m getting my first rolls developed this weekend, unfortunately I don’t have any images to share with you today but next newsletter I got you!
However, as a token of appreciation for your support, I curated a nice lil’ playlist of 21 of my current favorite tunes that I invite you to vibe out to! I hope you enjoy and I’ll be checking back in on the 21st of next month!