7 of 12
Good morning beautiful people - I hope you all are having a good day and starting off with a prosperous week. Yesterday I turned 31 and a few of the highlight moments were going to the Bargain Camera Show, having lunch with my Pops, going to The NOW Massage (thank you again Nikky!), and then having an amazing dinner - simply put, it was a special day for me! Though initially I was kinda bummed that I wasn’t able to send this newsletter out as intended last night - I had to remember that I actually enjoying my birthday! Thank you again to everyone who sent birthday wishes - y’all contributed to my good day!
Since this newsletter was essentially inspired by my birthday and 21 consequently being my favorite number...this particular one had to be a lil more special! With that being said, I’m pleased to share that a few of the images below are apart of volume 2 from my “Better with Time” zine series which I like to refer to as a “visual progress tracker” of my (shooting in) film journey. I only made 100 copies of the zine and you all are hearing about it first!

Just like all the other times, as a token of appreciation, I usually curate a lil’ playlist compiled of 21 of my current favorite tunes (of the moment) but since this month is special…I put 31 songs on the playlist that I invite you to vibe out to! I hope you enjoy and I’ll be checking back in on the 21st of next month. Peace and love.
- Lorenzo